Friday 2 April 2010

2 April 2010

Day 92:
Today was a bank holiday (Good Friday) and I was supposed to spend the entire day at work trying to get some stuff done since it was a lot quieter with so many people away on holiday. Unfortunately (?), I woke up and the sun was shining, which made going in and knowing that I was going to have to spend time in the CT (constant temperature) room VERY, VERY difficult. However, I did manage that task and after about 2 hours there while the sun was still shining, I decided to cut and run. By the time I finally got things sorted to leave and made it outside, the rain had returned. I still decided to head home. Not too long after getting home, the sun came out again. I had to get outside. So, I headed to Plym Bridge Woods just to the NE of Plymouth. I'd heard about this place many, many times, but had never made it there so today I rectified that. There appears to many trails leading away from the parking area and I was unsure which to take. I chose to head up river where I eventually came to Cann Quarry. In desperate need of a pee, I ducked behind a rock to take care of my business, but my rustling in the leaves sent this pair of Mandarin ducks to the pond. I had never seen Mandarin ducks before and was amazed at the sheer beauty of the male. They are not native to the UK, but instead are part of a feral population that has arisen from escaped ducks. I love this photo as both the male and female are in view, but the emphasis is on the male. What a great time watching these birds glide silently across the pond. Oh, and a bizarre fact... apparently, they nest and lay their eggs in holes in trees.

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