Thursday, 4 February 2010

4 Feb 2010

Day 35:
I absolutely felt like a pile of poo today and have been feeling that bad for a few days now so have been carting a medicine cabinets worth of cold medication around with me. Unfortunately, I had to go in to uni as I was scheduled to demonstrate for squid (Loligo vulgaris) dissection practicals for 2nd year undergrads, but wow... I probably shouldn't have gone in as it wasn't good for me and probably even worse for the students...  However, by some miracle, I managed to get through nearly 6 hours of teaching and hopefully helped some students learn about how cool squids are, despite them only being invertebrate molluscs! With more advanced eyes than humans, jet propulsion, tentacles to capture their prey and a beak (yep, more or less like a bird), what's NOT to like about these sea creatures?!?! Oh, and after dissecting the animals, there wasn't one that wasn't taken home and eaten for dinner by the students!

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